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Germany - Bundestag Anti-BDS Resolution in English

Unofficial Translation of the Full Text of the Resolution

The German Bundestag would like to decide:

I. The German Bundestag notes:
The German Bundestag acknowledges unalterably its own promise, to denounce and fight antisemitism in all its forms, and expressly affirms the motion passed by the parliamentary fractions of CDU/CSU, SPD, FDP and BÜNDNIS 90/ DIE GRÜNEN „Fighting antisemitism firmly“ of 17 January 2018.

According to the working definition of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) antisemitism is defined as a particular perception of Jews, which can be expressed as hatred towards the Jews. Antisemitism is directed by words or by action against Jewish or non-Jewish individuals, and/or their property, as well as Jewish community or religious institutions. Furthermore, the State of Israel, which can be understood as a form of Jewish collective, can be subjected to such attacks.

There is no legitimate justification for antisemitic positions. The determined, absolute “No” towards hatred against Jews regardless of their citizenship is part of Germany’s raison d’état. Antisemitism has, in its murderous consequences, been the most devastating form of groupfocused enmity in the history of our country and in the whole of Europe and is still today a threat for people of Jewish faith as well as for our free democratic order. It is unacceptable that antisemitism has increased in the past years and that the Jewish community feels increasingly insecure.

Whoever defames people because of their Jewish identity, attempts to limit their movement, doubts the right of existence of Israel as Jewish and democratic state or Israel’s right to its national defense will be met by our utmost opposition.

By way of a special historical responsibility, Germany is committee to Israel’s security. The security of Israel is part of the raison d’état of our country. We adhere to a two-state solution, as affirmed by the Security Council of the United Nations in numerous resolutions: A Jewish democratic State of Israel and an independent, democratic and viable Palestinian State.

For many years the “Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions” campaign (in short: BDS) also in Germany, calls for the boycott of Israel, against Israeli products, services, Israeli artists, academics and athletes. The comprehensive call for boycott leads in its radicalism to a stigmatization of Israeli citizens and citizens of Jewish faith as a whole. This is unacceptable and must strongly be most strongly condemned. The argumentation patterns and methods of the BDS campaign are antisemitic. The calls of the campaign to boycott Israeli artists as well as “Don’t buy” stickers on Israeli goods, which shall discourage from the purchase, remind us of the most terrible phase of German history. “Don’t buy’ stickers of the BDS campaign on Israeli products inevitably kindle memories of the Nazi (NS) – parole “Kauf nicht bei Juden!” (Don’t buy from Jews) and respective defacements on facades and shop windows.

The German Bundestag condemns all antisemitic statements and attacks, which are supposedly formulated as criticism on the politics of the State of Israel, but in fact, are an expression of their hate on Jewish people and their religion, and will confront those with determination.

II. The German Bundestag welcomes:
That numerous communities (municipalities) have already decided, to deny the BDS campaign or groups, which promote the goals of the campaign, financial support and the allocation of public rooms.

III. The German Bundestag decides:
1. again to confront all forms of antisemitism to condemn the BDS campaign and the call for the boycott of Israeli goods and companies as well as Israeli academics, artists and athletes;
2. not to provide rooms and institutions, which are under the authority of the parliament administration, to organizations which make antisemitic statements or question Israel’s right to exist. The German parliament urges the Federal Government, not to support any events of the BDS campaign or of groups, which actively support their goals;
3. to unabatedly continue its support to the Federal Government and the Federal Commissioner for Jewish Life in Germany and the fight against antisemitism, in the area of prevention as well as in the determined fight against antisemitism and any form of racism;
4. not to financially support any organizations, which questions Israel’s right to exist;
5. not to financially support any projects, which call for the boycott of Israel, or actively support the BDS campaign
6. calls upon states, cities and communities and all public stakeholders, to follow this position.

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